COVID-19 Vaccination

For the best protection against COVID-19, stay up to date with your COVID-19 vaccines. This means getting the most current COVID-19 vaccine when you are eligible. All people ages 6 months and older are eligible for COVID-19 vaccination.

CDC also recommends that people ages 65 and older receive an additional 2023-2024 COVID-19 vaccine dose at least four months after a previous dose of the 2023-2024 COVID-19 vaccine. 

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Schedule Your COVID-19 Vaccine Appointment

COVID-19 vaccines are available where you normally get your vaccines, like doctors’ offices and pharmacies. Call your healthcare provider to see if they are providing COVID-19 vaccine.  

Use to find COVID-19 vaccines near you. You can search by location and by vaccine type.

You can get no-cost COVID-19 vaccines at healthcare providers, federally supported health centers, and retail pharmacy chains participating in the Bridge Access Program. To find providers that offer no-cost COVID-19 vaccines through the Bridge Access Program, visit

If you are unable to leave your home, consider at-home vaccination.

Vaccine Record Lookup

You can no longer get your COVID-19 vaccine record on the 401Health app or on

You may find your COVID-19 vaccine record through the patient portal of your primary care office or of the pharmacy or healthcare facility that gave you your vaccine. If you do not have access to a patient portal, contact one of those places to request a copy of your COVID-19 vaccine record. 

The Rhode Island Department of Health does not provide copies of immunization records directly to members of the public. We can only release immunization records to healthcare professionals, childcare facilities, schools, colleges, and employee health offices. 

Learn more about getting your immunization records. 

Information for Those Unable to Leave Their Home for Vaccine

People who are unable to leave their home may be able to get the COVID-19 vaccine at home. 

You can contact your home health provider to ask if they offer the vaccine.

You may also be able to get vaccinated at home through the following providers:

  • Alert Ambulance: Alert Ambulance provides at-home vaccination throughout Rhode Island. To request an at-home vaccination through Alert Ambulance, email [email protected] or call 508-944-7722
  • Bristol Emergency Medical Services: Residents of Bristol, Rhode Island can request at-home vaccination through Bristol EMS at 401-253-6912. This service is only available to Bristol residents.
  • Cumberland Emergency Medical Services: Residents of Cumberland, Rhode Island can request at-home vaccination through Cumberland EMS at 401-334-3090, extension 3. This service is only available to Cumberland residents.

Transportation to Vaccination Appointments

You can get to many vaccination sites across the state on public transportation. To view transportation routes and any possible walking distances, enter your travel information into RIPTA’s Trip Planner at If you need help or cannot visit the website, call RIPTA’s Customer Service team at 401-781-9400.

Anyone enrolled in Medicaid or older than age 60 can use the Non-Emergency Medical Transport Service provided by MTM. Book transportation with MTM online at or call 855-330-9131 (TTY: 711) at least two business days before the appointment.

Requesting a COVID-19 Vaccination Clinic

Community partners interested in hosting a COVID-19 vaccination clinic may contact the Rhode Island Department of Health (RIDOH) Office of Immunization at [email protected]. RIDOH will send you a list of mass immunizers you can work with to host a vaccination clinic. This is similar to how we support flu vaccination clinics. This change is part of RIDOH's transition to traditional partners and settings for COVID-19 vaccination.